Thursday, July 2, 2015

The Dance

I go through life as if its a performance
a dance through my life-
through the perceived memories
through the laughter
through the merriment and banter
through the worst, the bad, and the good.

I've been thrust onto the stage by a force that I've never known.
I'm moving mindlessly,
like the ghost of some ardent dancer
thrashing and twisting,
to the music of an unknown feverish chorus
a never ending song 
composed to the beats that rise and fall,
my body arches 
my limbs take form 
sweat drips down from my brow

I do wish my body knew such litheness enough when I was young enough.
I wish upon all my wishes,
that it was my physical being that danced so,
without a care in the world
but it is my possessed mind that takes form again,
ready for yet another act 
a pirouette for the beat of despair
a sway to the rhythm of the agony
and a grand finale for the wretched soul that has forgotten how to live.

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