I didn't feel like writing about my thoughts, feelings and actions on the 31st,
so I settled down to right down whatever came out...and it turned out into a story..
It is confusing and unkempt. But this is my story and this is for me!
There are no morals or rules to my story writing and it will always be so.
A girl. Her appearance is not of any relevance. She is at the beginning of adulthood and she is lost. No, she is literally lost in a forest.
These are the facts.
The girl sits on a tree stump; bewildered and frightened at how she got there and how the hell she is going to get out. She has always a had a bad sense of directions and location; heaven knows her brother has scolded her enough for it. She had a knack for forgetting her way. She is always considered the "bold one" who had everything under control, but her select few knew exactly how scatterbrained she was and how she fretted over the tiniest of details.
She always had to get out minutes before the actual time, what is obstructions occurred on their way and she ended up too late? She envisioned her entire life this way. Maybe character trait comes from a lifetime experience (albeit a short one) of seeing her loved ones always starting off, maybe a second too late, and never getting to their destinations; and sometimes not at all.
This nameless girl only two options- do it in time or not at all. She is afraid of confrontations, for confrontations are amiable conversations that did not occur at the right time. Maybe she thought that these are a form of owning up to her failure and she couldn't make herself do that.
The fact of the matter is that the girl hated time. Not doing things at the right time or not paying enough attention,or having a particular conversation not happen at the exact instant of time dictates how a persons whole life will turn out. Maybe the reason why she is so lost is because she didn't pay attention to a millisecond of a conversation in the right time- her mind maybe chose to wander off right then and there. Maybe she shuffled past the correct turn when she rushed forward on hearing a faint rustling somewhere. These exact examples are the reasons why she loathed time and the power it could wield over everything and everyone.
So this day, the girl will spend all her energy trying to get out of this forest, but ironically enough the reason that she is stuck there is because of time itself. The woods are obviously set in such a way that one can only get out of it at the right time and there is no particular science to this concept either. When the time is right, she will get out. But whether getting out of these woods will help her get over her hate for "time" is a question that only (funnily enough) time can tell.
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