Wednesday, December 31, 2014

I Proclaim...

There is four hours left till the bells toll twelve
A new year is born tomorrow

A day that signifies the fresh start we all deserve
The one day of the year when everyone unites in their plight to change

All things said and done
it is the day to forget all the past and take a fresh new leaf

This year, I don't plan to make  proclamations of all the things to come
"Just you wait, you wont recognize me by the end of the year"

I have said the similar and worse, 
 this time, I am grown enough to realize,
how much I've set myself up for public failure, time and again.

I've realized I am a barking dog, that never bit
and is the one that bit off more than I can chew
I've realized I am worst enemy 
and that I've got a fast growing list 
of all the things I wanted to, needed to do..
But never got around to doing.

Most of all,
Here is what I've realized:

Proclamations are for loud mouths who never get anything done
And I've both been there and done that.

This year, 
I've decided
I'll just keep my mouth shut
just put up a thank you note for all the love 
and count my blessings and say my prayers

This year, I will let my actions be louder than my words
And this is the only proclamation I shall make! 

Friday, December 26, 2014


There have been so many keepsakes and words and memories that I destroyed.

just because it hurt me too much to keep it in possession.
But looking back, I wish I had kept  them all,each one.

The notes, and the ring
the poems wirtten for me and about me
and the dreams they dreamed up with me..
The rings and the lockets,
the voices and feelings. 
I put them all in a box,
poured my sorrow on top 
and lit the fire with my pain
I watched it burn to ash with crimson flames reflected in my eyes. 

But now I realize..
these keepsakes and experiences are such a big part of me.
Although I parted ways with them, I will never truly part with them.
They made me who I am, What I am. 
All those people..
The ones that loved me..the ones I loved..
The ones that were crazy for me..
the ones that drove me crazy.
Amid all the craze,love,pain and memories
they were the ones that helped me find myself.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014


Some days I just feel like being mean
I am angry at so many things at the same time,
I don't think I can put on the happy face today.
It might mean
I'll act like a bitch to the ones that stick by me
It might mean I am displeased at the whole world
But amongst my days of pretending,
Some days.. I need a day for reality. 

Thursday, December 11, 2014

I wish I could translate each of my feelings as eloquently as they are intense.

But what happens is quite contrary-
the sentences become fragmented, phrases become scattered and words become scarce.
Feelings are so fickle,
One minute I am just cruising along in elation and the next I am in a puddle of morose.
I keep telling myself
If you get those words out, you can make it out of the surge of emotions.
But sadly all that happens is
sweaty palms, thumping nerves, tear filled eyes and the occasinal dry mouth.
But still,
No words,
let alone any comprehensible sentences.

Monday, December 1, 2014



Someday, a man is going to walk into my life and he will be all things that the one before was and better.
This man will show me things are not as bad as I dread and expect them to be like,
this man, will wipe away all the pain, loss and fear that the one before left behind.
He will make me understand why so many things had to go wrong
So that I would be worthy of the good that came later.
He will be everything I dreamed of and more.
Someday, this is going to happen,
Or so I have to believe.
But that day
is not

I was inspired by the Queen Song, "Somebody To Love"

Each morning I get up I die a little
Can barely stand on my feet
Take a look in the mirror and cry
Lord what you're doing to me
I have spent all my years in believing you
Somebody, somebody

Can anybody find me somebody to love?